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How to Overcome Writer's Block If you've ever been afflicted with writer's block, you'll know it's no laughing matter. It can impede your writing for days, weeks, or even months. And while it's tempting to just ignore the problem and hope that it goes away, writer's block is one of those pests that requires active extermination. With a little creativity and patience, however, you can banish writer's block once and for all. What You Need: 1. A Blank Screen—A blank screen is the first step. There's no reason to letWriter's Block , which is an affliction most people share at one time or another, stop you from writing your novel. In fact, a blank screenis a great environment to work in because it forces you to come up with ideas and plot devices on your own. Keep this in mind as we continue the article! 2. Inspiration—The Inspiration spell is easily one of the most powerful in the game. It combines the spell effects of "Enchant", "Animate", and "Divine" into one. It gives you an unlimited source of inspiration that can be used at any time during your adventure. With this spell, you'll never have to worry about writer's block again! 3. Block Buster—This simple yet useful spell is based on a powerful force of nature called hydraulics. You can think of it as an underground stream of power that flows deep beneath everything in the world, keeping things moving and active all the time. The same thing happens when you cast Block Buster . It breaks down the walls of writer's block and sends them rushing away, leaving you free to write as much as you like! 4. A Quill—When Writer's Block finally comes flooding into your life, don't fight it with brute force. Instead, find a nice feather quill and use it to write a strange and mystical word on your screen: "Elbereth". This will banish Writer's Block for good! How to Turn an Image Into a Map Incorporating images into your RPG can be a very rewarding experience. In this quest, we'll share one of the most effective ways to do so. What You Need: 1. An Image—An image is just a picture that gives your world a sense of dramatic animation and life. Any sort of image will do, as long as you're happy with it. Just remember that it's not just what you use but how you use it that makes all the difference. 2. An Imager—An imager is a magical artefact that allows you to magically "stitch" an image onto your map. The easiest way to find an imager is to go to the Adventurer's Guild and purchase one, which we'll cover later in this article! 3. cfa1e77820